Aim: Write an assembly language program to perform two 8 bit numbers addition using immediate, direct, indirect and register addressing modes. Apparatus: A computer loaded with Keil or edsim51. Program: Immediate mode: ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN MAIN: MOV A,#50H ADD A,#30H END Note: Observe 'Acc' for the result. Direct mode: ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN MAIN: MOV 40H,#50H MOV A,#30H ADD A,40H END Note: Observe 'Acc' for the result. Indirect mode: ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN MAIN: MOV 40H,#50H MOV 41H,#30H MOV R0,#40H MOV R1,#41H MOV A,@R0 MOV B,@R1 ADD A,B END Note: Observe 40H, 41H locations, R0, R1 registers and A, B for intermediate results. Observe 'Acc' for the final result. Register mode: ORG 0000H LJMP MAIN MAIN: MOV 40H,#50H MOV 41H,#30H MOV A,40H MOV R0,41H ADD A,R0 END Note: Observe 40H, 41H locations, R0 register and A for intermediate results. Obs...